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I wanna do music producing after college?

Question by Sam Meen: I wanna do music producing after college?
Okay my mom told me in high school,that hardly anyone who goes into music producing colleges really becomes a music producer.I’m going to get a degree in the medical field,then after I get a job.I plan on going back to get a degree in music producing!I wanna become a famous person?I like hip hop I would like to produce hip hop music?I also wanna become a rapper!I would rap about intelligent things,I always wanted to be famous.I made good grades in school,never joined a gang or any of that,never did drugs or any of that!is it a false statement what my mom said?she said that hardly anyone get into music producing and become a famous singer!My high school friend said she probably is telling me that because she doesn’t want me to do music producing and its a false statement.she said she wouldn’t support me,but I was gonna get a job and pay for it with my own money?Should I? is impossible for me to become a famous music artist?

Best answer:

Answer by jateef
Hardly anyone becomes a famous music artist, producer (especially in this DIY age), etc. Is it impossible? No. Very, very difficult? Yes.
Better read up and make an informed decision.

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