I need a new phone…. What do you suggest?
Question by нєпri: I need a new phone…. What do you suggest?
I need a new phone. I have the Nokia 5300 Xpress Music, and I am fed up with it. I’ve had it little over a year and the lcd screen has cracked twice, and I didn’t drop it either time. One time it was in my pocket, I sat down on the couch, and it was cracked. This time it was on my bed, I picked it up and it cracked. Yes, it’s strange. The LCD screen is apparently extremely fragile with Nokia phones, and so I no longer want to put up with it. I’ll probably buy a new screen and then just sell it online. What I need your help with is deciding a new phone.
I have t-mobile. I want a phone with a big screen. That’s the biggest priority. Also, I use the internet on my phone a lot to check email and look stuff up on wiki, etc. so it’s important to have good internet (which is becoming more and more common). Obviously it should have a camera that can record video.
Do you have any suggestions? I know a lot of you might say to get an iPhone but it’s out of my budget… do you have any ideas for phones that are not too expensive but are nice? I like the new T-Mobile G1 but that is also too expensive. I saw a phone called the Samsung A707 that looked promising but I saw some bad reviews so I dunno.
Please help me out! Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Michael D
lg shine
lg vu
samsung 727
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