I made verbal contract to hire a certain band & singer since then the singer and two members left ? my option?
Question by Sam H: I made verbal contract to hire a certain band & singer since then the singer and two members left ? my option?
The lead singer left and the new band wants to fill in, they are not as well known as original band – do I have to honor contract
Best answer:
Answer by jslinderml
It depends on how the contract was worded. If your agreement was with the band entity as opposed to a specific person, then you are probably committed. It being a verbal contract its hard to enforce but you have your rep to consider. If your agreement was with the singer, then the contract is null
Contracts for entertainment usually have a clause nullifying them if the members of the group change in a significant manner. I’d recommend going to a written contract and including that in the future.
For this group, I’d see if you could re-negotiate to a profit based deal that allows them to make a little extra money if they exceed expectations..
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