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I just got a Sandisk e260r mp3 player, but the software for managing my music isnt downloading properly?

Question by DD: I just got a Sandisk e260r mp3 player, but the software for managing my music isnt downloading properly?
I just got a Sandisk Sansa e260r mp3 player for christmas, and the normal contents came with it: headphones, guide, cd for music management, etc. But when I tried to download the cd for my music managing, it got all the way up to 99% and didnt go any further. Then I tried downloading the software from because thats where the software that came with the mp3 player can from, (the software is called Best Buy Music Store powered by Rhapsody). So it’s not really working out for me, any suggestions? Does anyone have rhapsody on their computer that could send me maybe a copy of their program? Please anything would help.

Best answer:

Answer by babygyal
oh no gurl , i JUST GOT ONE TODAY and you dont need rapshody they kinda stumped me with that too to i figured out that u dont have to get your songs from there

u can get it from almost anywhere i suggest limewire its free

im just figuring things out like you are so ,,so far i was able to get songs on there using windows media player 11 beta

but i cant seem to get pictures or video on it it just wont happen

can u help?

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