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I have a few questions about record labels?

Question by Missy_Chick.: I have a few questions about record labels?
Hi everyone, I am a 14 year old girl. I have a few questions about record labels. If I were to send in a demo CD, what would the requirements be? How many songs should be on it? Do ALL of the songs on the demo have to be yours? Or can you do a cover or two? Do you have to send the record label an E-mail asking for permission to send it in first?

I know there are a lot of questions but if you know the answers to any of them please answer! Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Kevin Kettell
I see your questions but I would like to just say that you should put out your own CD. Some companies probably wont press you if there are cover songs, that dont have the appropriate documentation with you that someone else is letting you who holds the rights. Its way more fun to put out your own. Just check them out on the web. It was like 70 bucks for 50 CDs. Or 100 CDs for like 89 dollars. They were in Irvine California I forget their name. Like something-disk. Then there are all kinds of ways to promote it using the web and the mailbox.

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