I am doing a paper in Mass Communications on how file sharing helps unsigned bands get record labels and expos?
Question by bealsey1: I am doing a paper in Mass Communications on how file sharing helps unsigned bands get record labels and expos?
I am doing a paper in Mass Communications on how file sharing helps unsigned bands get record labels and exposure. What do you think my main points should be and what all do you think I should cover??
Best answer:
Answer by Lnc
Oh fun. Leeets see. Okay as this is all public, this is completely false as I buy 100% of my music. I will also say the last funker vogt special edition CD cost me 30 bucks to import!
So the main way these groups are going to get found out is when a teen downloads say a collection of 1000 industrial music songs. From there he weeds out what he doesn’t like.
Now if you have ever downloaded anything you know its rare to get it labled or with cover art. Our music lover listens to all these and comes across a group called Funker Vogt. Really, not anything you can find in the store, least not in the US. The kid falls in love and buys all their CDs over the following year.
The point is probably most pirates just want a real taste before dropping 2 or 3 hours of wages on some unknown. By downloading these people find more music and do in fact buy them.
You may want to look up a few arguments about anime subbing and its affects on the industry. Same topic, different item.
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