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I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?

Question by Chris P: I am about to import from China and have been asked to write up a contract and proformal invoice, how do i do?
I would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction towards maybe a template or information on what is required so I am able to get the manufacture underway. Would appreciate all help on this matter.

Best answer:

Answer by Jun
Hello, dear Chris! I think it’s the exporter’s job to write a proforma invoice but not yours’.
Nomally, the proforma invoice has two main functions:
1.Used as a firm offer or an offer for reference
2. Facilitate the buyer get ready to import, such as get import permission 。
It usually contain these terms: the name of the products, quantity, prices, terms of payments, shipment terms and so on. Although the proforma invoice is much like a contract, but the seller has no contractual liability to the invoice he writes

I hope this will help you.

By the way, could i ask what products are you going to import? Maybe i can give you some concrete suggestions.
please feel free to contact me if you need any help.

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