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How to set up Word to auto-paste/auto-fill text?

Question by jsmpost: How to set up Word to auto-paste/auto-fill text?
I am using a contract template in Word 2007 where the name of my client needs to be entered several times. Meaning and as example, the contract starts with, “This contract is between MY COMPANY and ______.” Then, the next paragraph again references the client company with a “______” requiring me to retype the name of the same company I already entered in the first paragraph.

How do I set the document up to auto-fill repetitive text?

Many thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by The Phlebob
There are several ways, none of them as simple as they should be. This is what I consider the safest:

First, we’ll create a Document Property for the customer’s name. Note: For safety, do this on a COPY of the template.

1. Click the round Office button in the upper-left corner of the window.
2. Click Prepare, then Properties.
3. On the yellow bar, click Document Properties, then Advanced Properties.
4. Click the Custom tab in the Properties dialog box.
5. In the Name text box, give the property a name. Note that you can’t use blanks or special characters.
6. Click in the Value text box and enter “Dummy Name”. This won’t be the actual name you use, but it will hold the place.
7. Click OK.

Now to create references to the new property. Click each place you want the customer’s name to appear and do the following:

8. Click the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
9. In the Text group, click Quick Parts.
10. Select Field.
11. In the Field Name listbox, select DocProperty.
12. In the Property listbox that appears, select the field you just created.
13. Click OK.

This will put the current contents of the field there.

That modified the template. Here’s how to use it. Every time you open a new document from the template, do this:

1. Click the round Office button in the upper-left corner of the window.
2. Click Prepare, then Properties.
3. On the yellow bar, click Document Properties, then Advanced Properties.
4. Click the Custom tab in the Properties dialog box.
5. In the Properties list box, find the property you created and select it.
6. It will pop into the Name text box and its value will pop into the Value text box. Change the Value.
7. Click OK.
8. Back in the text, press CTRL/A to select the entire document.
9. Press F9 to update all fields in the document. If you have other fields you want updated, you can postpone this for later.

Whoever uses the template should be aware that the fields can be overwritten, destroying their usefulness.

Hope that helps.

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