How to get into show business? Please read?
Question by : How to get into show business? Please read?
I am 20 years old college student study and live in New York City. I have done some acting in high school. I can sing and dance, both which I am still learning. I love to listen to Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Dean Martin. I also love Broadway and MGM musicals. My style of singing is jazz, rock & roll, and crooning.
My major in college is business administration (particularly in the concentration of international trade, marketing, and finance). I can sing and I can sing good, but I don’t have any background in music, whether playing music or reading notes. Now I want to start off as a singer/dancer or actor on Broadway, then may be later on to the movie industry. What college courses should I study? Where should I start, would you say Broadway or some small theater? Who should I contact or look for to have myself and my talent to be discover? How should I market myself?
Best answer:
Answer by clown crisis
As Simon Cowell would say:
You do not have the X factor.
Don’t give up your day job
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