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How to find a job in the music/media industry for a 17 year old?

Question by greymarrow1: How to find a job in the music/media industry for a 17 year old?
I’ve just been given an ultimatum by my folks. I’ve just left school with a few GCSEs and I need to find a job fast. Can anyone give me any tips as to how I could possibly start working for a media/music business?

College/Sixth Form not an option.

Best answer:

Answer by dockane
Looks like you’re in the UK, Ireland area, right? Pick up a copy of the HotPress directory and start calling! That’ll be your best bet for Ireland. . .the UK must have something similar.

Regardless of where you are radio, is often the easiest way to get started in music and the most scalable. Just about everyone who makes it in the music industry starts out in radio.


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