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how might one be able to get a job or internship working with major music video companies/directors?

Question by The Difference: how might one be able to get a job or internship working with major music video companies/directors?
I’m a freelance fashion designer, practically unemployed, just moved to ny and I want to perhaps work as a stylist on video sets or as a production crew member. I feel like I’ve done a hell of alot of researching and asking questions to those I thought were the right individuals to ask and I’m receiving blank stares and responses. Any informations my fellow yahoo members can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by arcticayla
I put a search for:

Internships in NewYork for music video companies, and this is what I found:

I hope one or some of them will give you info or a lead on where to go to find what you want, good luck.


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