How many point as Music Supervisor for a movie should I get?
Question by : How many point as Music Supervisor for a movie should I get?
There is a Spinal Tap like film. A documentary about a ficticious Pop group. I wrote all of the songs for this “group” gratis, but retain all my publishing. Going into the project, it was simply for the film. The group performs at least 4 songs in the film, and 2-3 others are played. Dueto the quality of the fake songs, there is now a record/soundtrack deal in place for the fake groups’ music to coincide with the film. The film company and investor want to split the record profits with me equally (4 ways total), but I don’t have any points on the film. What is fair? Since I wasn’t paid for the work, shouldn’t I get a bigger cut of the record revenue than an equal share? How much of a bigger cut? Or instead of a bigger cut of the record revenue, shouldn’t I get a cut of the film? How much of a cut? Keep in mind the songs I wrote are vital to the film.
You are right, I didn’t charge as it is an independant film, and initially there was no record deal in place. We did discuss that in the event of a record deal, it would basically be mine, with the filmmakers and investors taking a cut. It seems that if they are getting a cut of the music, especially a cut equal to mine, I should get a cut of the movie profits.
Keep in mind that they are not “my songs”, but songs written specifically for the “fake” group the film is about.
Best answer:
Answer by daughters_a_wookie
However, you didn’t charge. Now you retained the rights to the music, which is good for you. However if you self publish, you won’t be able to reference the film at all, so you will lose out in any tie-in profits.
You really seem to need an entertainment lawyer, maybe you could negotiate some some sort of residuals (I highly doubt that you would garner points) or other sta=ke in the film’s profits in exchange for you allowing them to publish your songs, which you all would profit from.
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