How is the music industry program at Drexel University?
Question by Amber Hoyt: How is the music industry program at Drexel University?
I am a high school student looking at Music Industry/Music Business programs around the US. I heard Drexel had a good program but I want more information. Help???
Best answer:
Answer by Everyday
i can’t tell you anything about that school, but in general, going to college trying to get a job in the music industry is a waste of money. depending on what exactly you are trying to do within the music business, you can try to get internships without going to school. often times going to school leaves you looking for internships anyway.
the music industry is about experience, and who you know. going to school you can meet contacts, and friends that are like-minded, which is a plus. those schools however don’t really offer good hands-on experience. sure you may learn some basics, but you can read any music business book and learn all of that. if i was looking for someone to work at my label, i would take someone that had actually been working with music rather than someone that had just been sitting in a classroom and graduated.
really i think it all depends on what exactly you want to do in the music business. if you want to work at a label, or publishing company, or studio, try getting in contact with those places, and asking them some questions. you can ask them their background and how they got their jobs, or ask them how to go about getting an internship. when i was fresh out of school on my internship a few weeks after i started another guy came in with no schooling at all. he had just recorded his band and some of his friends. he contacted the studio and they gave him an internship. as far as work went, we did the same things. i knew a little more technical stuff because i had worked on more gear, but all of the principles were the same as stuff he had used, so it wasn’t like i was more advanced or anything. the only difference was i was (and still am) in a shitload of debt because i wanted to go to school.
in my opinion, going to school should be a second thought. however, a guy i went to school with was on tour with Santana less than a year after graduating. so it all kind of depends on you, your finances, and what exactly you want to do. if you are in a small town, you may not have a lot of opportunities without going to school.
as far as schooling, i’ve heard good things about Columbia, in Chicago.
good luck
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