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How does one go about entering the music industry as a solo artists?

Question by Brian: How does one go about entering the music industry as a solo artists?
The question almost says it all, really. I’m an 18 year old double bass/baritone singer looking to further my passion now that I am out of high school, but I am not sure where to begin. I have never taken vocal lessons, which seems to surprise some people. I plan on starting vocal lessons soon, but I do not know where to go after that.

I know it is all about “knowing the right people,” but I do not know how I can get them to hear me. It’s not like a band where you can play some avenues and gigs in the local area in hopes of recognition. I’m not sure where to even perform pop/vocals for an audience. I’ve only heard of the way bands do it, but not solo artists that are in the pop/vocal genres.

So does anyone know where a solo artist, such as myself, can get a start in the music industry? I know it will take time and I am more than willing to put in the time necessary and more. If it helps any, I plan on attending UC Santa Barbara or San Diego next fall. Maybe someone there can help?

Best answer:

Answer by BEAUTY
you and everyone else

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