How do you write a contract between a vendor and a non-profit organization?
Question by e e in california: How do you write a contract between a vendor and a non-profit organization?
Does anyone know how I would write up a contract between my company and a non-profit organization for services? A sample contract for the purchase of services by a non-profit or charity organization from a vendor would be perfect. If no one can find or send a sample contract, then it would also help if someone could list step by step how I would write each section of the contract. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Best answer:
Answer by plancks.constant
Depends on what kind of products you are selling. If they’re tangibles, then any simple sales contract should be fine. If they’re intangibles, your simple contract will swiftly turn to a litigation waiting to occur. The contract would also vary depending on the size of the parties and the transaction itself. If the non-profit is sophisticated, they’ll expect to cover all the basis – price, delivery, remedies, arbitration, breach, enforcement, description, effective law, etc. If not, then you can get a simple contract at the link below.
However, know that there is no such thing as a ‘simple’ contract. I know you’re trying to save costs but you’ll pay double when you have to go to court to enforce a defective contract that you’ve drafted. It will be worse when you find that the contract is unenforceable and you have totally lost out.
Second, while it is easy to adapt a previously written contract to your own situation, being legally untrained, you will have no idea what to watch for or where material differences lie between your contract and the model that you’re following.
Go, pay a lawyer $ 200 to do a quick draft for you. There’s actually a reason why people spend 3 years in law school after 4 years of college. I’m sure you don’t want to find out the hard way.
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