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How do we get CD Distribution for a music album?

Question by Mike: How do we get CD Distribution for a music album?
I’m helping my son buy paying for him and his band to record their first CD album. They have been paying for about 6 years now and already have a big following. They already designed the cover and they even have a website, facebook, myspace and twitter. I want to help him by paying for the recording studio and even talked to a few production companies to film his first music video. I feel real good about this and decided I’m going to do it.
I know we won’t see any of that money come back to cover the cost of the production for the CD and Music video unless they have distribution for their Album. Does anyone have any ideas on how they could get that?

Best answer:

Answer by Paul Zucchini
The best way is to do it all yourself.

Contrary to popular opinion, a “record contract” is a bad thing. Here’s a classic article about this, dated but still true:

Check out where you can distribute your music and still retain full ownership of it.

Also, the kids can make their own video. Paying big bucks to some company would be a waste. Everyone has video cameras and high speed computers (that they can easily make videos on).

Ok, good luck!

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