How do vegetarian/vegan celebrities survive in their careers?
Question by moderatorlinkfromgaiaisgay: How do vegetarian/vegan celebrities survive in their careers?
I’m DYING to know:
How do Vegetarian/Vegan celebrities manage to exist happily in their careers when every single thing they do is dictated by their companies? I mean, theyd have to make sure noone ever uses an animal product on their hair or skin, that theyre never given clothing to wear made from animals (and its impossible to tell with shoes what is and isnt made from animals), that theyll never sit on leather chairs, etc.
And this isnt just music videos movies and photo shoots im talking about, but when they go to most recording studios and offices and such there are ALWAYS leather CHAIRS!
Vegetarianism/Veganism affects most aspects of a persons life. Thats alot to include in a contract. I would assume that before they become an asset to the company alot of people end up getting rather pissed off at them, and theyre probably given animal products without their knowing, no?
Please someone tell me how they can live happily as vegetarians/vegans in the entertainment realm.
This has been boggling my mind forever.
Im sure the big timers get their way more often, what about new recruits? How would THEY go about getting what they need?
Would any entertainment company listen to a contract like that or would they dismiss the soon-to-be employee? I have so many questions on this.
lol, read the question? It has the word “celebrities” in it. Though i did ask about others as well, all celebrities get their hair styled and do promotion for their products. Maybe you should study up on the entertainment industry and stop wasting my time. I dont feel like playing the role of teacher today.
Best answer:
Answer by TriNStylZ
I strongly believe that you don’t have the slightest clue that vegetarians and some vegans are DIETARY vegetarians and vegans. Yeah, I think you just didn’t know that. This is pointless. Oh, and im pretty sure you also forgot that not everyone are business majors and sit in offices and wear hair gel all day. Entertainment companies dismissing a vegan or vegetarian possible-employee? That’s called Contacting BBB. That’s illegal and they can get sued for that. No one will catch hell because they dont eat meat. Maybe they might get a bit of nonsense here and there, but what does that have to do with their abilities and skills? Be serious now.
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