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How do I transfer from MusicMatch to Yahoo music with Win ME? Do I have to use another companies music svc?

Question by kenyonhawk: How do I transfer from MusicMatch to Yahoo music with Win ME? Do I have to use another companies music svc?
MusicMatch Jukebox Plus was purchased by Yahoo Music. I could not transfer my services because I do not use Windows XP or Windows Vista. I agree that I should earn more money and buy a newer computer and operating system but that is not reality. Do I now have to go elsewhere for music services that would allow older users to use their music services

Best answer:

Answer by Patrick M
Yahoo Jukebox only does XP or Vista as far as I know. I have a Win98 pc and can’t install Yahoo JB. Get the latest Windows Media Player for ME at Windows update and then go to the Windows Media Player Stores page where you can see many places to get your songs for the Windows Media Player. I listed the url in the source list for this answer. That will be the easiest most painless way for you to go.
Your MMJB will still work after thier music download store and radio service ends. All your songs will play and all other features will be OK except for the store and radio/on demand stuff. Many free radio sevices out on the web. Live365 or Shoutcast come to mind first for 98/ME. Hope this helps.

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