how do i properly get my music copyrighted?
Question by enjoli h: how do i properly get my music copyrighted?
i’m an up & coming producer/songwriter.. i want to sell both the lyrics & instrumental to a specific artist with an interest in it, however i’m not 100% sure as to which form to have it registered under. i would like to have them copyrighted seperately, which forms do i file them for?
also, when discussing royalties with the artist, how do i go about that. i believe there’s a contract involved with that but where can i get the contract? also, if you can give me your opinion as to how the roalites need to be divided with me being the original/only songwriter as well as producer for the track & the singer singing solo?
i know i’m asking alot & i will be seeking an entertainment lawyer soon lol but in the meantime i would appreciate some advice so if anyone can help, that would be a pleasure. thanks for reading. hope to hear what you got to say.
Best answer:
Answer by Doctor Deth
you can just create a “book or single document” with all your finished songs to date and just copyright them all at once with the uS copyright office – only have to pay the fee once instead of for each individual song – if registered separately – last I checked, it cost $ 30 to register a copyright –
google “US copyright office”
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