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how do i get to start a digital media production company?

Question by Pin key: how do i get to start a digital media production company?
i want to start movie,music and still picture processing firm, what equipments do i need to have? How much capital am i supposed to set aside to start the bussiness? Where can i buy those equipments?

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Answer by Answer Man
In starting a business there are two things that you must consider:

1. The product
2. How you’re going to market that product.

Most new entrepreneurs only focus on the first part, but you only have a valid business concept when you have a solution for both parts.

The key to not making mistakes during a business start up is to learn to think like a customer. You should imagine that you are the customer and that you are trying to buy your product. What would you do?

Probably, your first step would be to go to the search engines and search for things such as download pictures, pictures of_________ , movies of ________ or advertising illustrations. In fact there are thousands of searches done on the Internet every day concerning your business interest.

You should do this and pay careful attention to how other companies are already serving this market. Once you have done this you’ll be in a much better situation to avoid making mistakes during your business start up.

Perhaps, you will be able to come up with some unique or better ideas for your new company to market its products.

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