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how do i get contact with music managers in the music industry in Hollywood?

Question by uzamaki_94: how do i get contact with music managers in the music industry in Hollywood?

Best answer:

Answer by Music Consultant
Generally speaking even if you had a list of all of the managers phone numbers and email addresses – they don’t want to hear from artists unless they have done a great deal of work on their own. It is increasingly more rare for an artist to attract management on just the strength of a live showcase. My advice to you would be to get your live show together, practice your craft relentlessly. Get great recordings done. Network with other musicians, producers, engineers, promoters and whoever else may specialize in areas that you don’t have experience in and start trying to build a following on your own. Managers work on commission and there is no guarantee that an artist is ever going to make money so the best thing to do is to start moving your career forward on your own and begin converting people into loyal fans. In this day and age the reality is there is no one person you can call who is going to bring you into the music industry and give you a career – you have to start this process on your own.

If you do this right – potential managers will find you.

Best of luck,


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