How do I back my ipod music to a CD?
Question by SilangMabele: How do I back my ipod music to a CD?
Basically, I have an Ipod video with a lot of music on it. I have it set to manual update to be cautious in case my computer crashes.
But then I thought about what would happen if I were to lose my Ipod and lose all my music, so I downloaded the program Ipod2PC 3.9.1
That has been working pretty well for me, but now I want to be extra cautious and back everything up onto CD’s or DVD’s just so that I can have hard copies of everything at hand and be able to play music in the car by CD.
I thought it might be easy at first until I tried burning a friend some music and that didn’t work at all.
Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do? I know Apple has so many license agreements it’s hard to really know what it will let you do and what it won’t. And I’m a PC user so I know nothing about how to use Apple.
Anyone have any advice?
Best answer:
Answer by yumyumrazon
ok. since you have backed-up your files to your PC, there is no problem at all. put all you back-up files to your iTunes. when iTunes is finished reading all the back-up files on your PC, on the iTunes menu… go to File >> Back Up To Disc…. iTunes will do the rest for you, just follow the instructions.
hope this helps.
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