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how can i send my demo to record labels. and what labels should i send it to?

Question by chitowngurl95: how can i send my demo to record labels. and what labels should i send it to?
I am 13 and sing R&B Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Rihanna, ect.

Best answer:

Answer by Chery E
Do you live in a fairly large city? If so, they most likely have a good recording studio in town. Call to make an appointment if they will to listen to your demo. Was it professionally recorded? If not, it most likely needs top be unless it sounds very professional. They would have some great connections if they believe you have what it takes to go big. They would know which labels would best suit your style and voice. The other thing to do is to see if there are any Star Search kind of contests for your age so you can get out there and get noticed!!!!! Good luck!!! Go for your dreams!

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