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How can I sell my original sheet music and mp3 recordings online?

Question by t-ray2006: How can I sell my original sheet music and mp3 recordings online?
I am a music educator and many other music teachers are wanting copies of my music to teach their students. Is there a way to have people buy my materials from the internet? For example…people could buy my materials through PAYPAL, and they’d receive the PDF file sheet music and then a downloaded mp3 recording of the original music?? DOES THIS SOUND WORKABLE?? Help.

Best answer:

Answer by dwightl.geo
you should have asked this question in the entertaiment & music category where people that know your answer hangout. it has nothing to do with how computers or how the internet works.;_ylt=AkUpz.I4dnuucUDZMPKZmK3py6IX?link=list&sid=396545016

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