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How can I get into the music business?

Question by Nick: How can I get into the music business?
Alright so I’m in high school right now and I have no idea what I want to do after it. My dad always tell me to think about what I like or enjoy. One of the few things that comes to mind is music… in other words Metal. xD \m/ I’m only just learning to play guitar now so the chances of me making a band and finding success there is even slimmer than it would be otherwise. It would be nice though. Even if I was pretty much broke all the time I probably wouldn’t care. As far as I’m concerned that would be living the life because I would get to go out with my friends all the time and play Metal for those many many people that enjoy it as much as I do. 🙂 Anyway back to the topic at hand. I was talking to my older friend the other day and he was saying how he used to be a music producer and work in that industry a lot. He jammed with people like Chris Barns as well as other famous metal musicians. That got me thinking that I would likely enjoy that genre of career but I don’t really know much about working in that industry. I would apreciate any advice you guys can offer on this kind of business and/or lifestyle. Thanks in advance! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Billy Cunningham
well you could but keep in mind there is around 150,000 in america who try to start their own band or solo singing EVERY year, Few make it.

God bless

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