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how can i get in contact with music producers?

Question by ghandi013: how can i get in contact with music producers?
i am in interseted in becoming a music producers but unfortunatley i completed high school courses and donot have a high school diploma i make beats at home and i am dying to make it in the music business..

Best answer:

Answer by Helly G
record some of your beats/tracks onto Tape or CD, then make loads of copies.
send out the copies to about 10-25 record companies (you can find these through the Yahoo or Google search engines)
You need to send off alot so it betters your chances of getting a deal.
Make sure the copies are good and you choose your best beats/tracks ( a maximum of 3 )
Also, in with the Tape/CD, put a photo of yourself, as well as a description/profile about yourself. Most importantly, don’t forget your address/number/email details!!!

To find a list of record companies, try the Phone Book, or just do random search, i.e ”record companies” or ”Sony” etc.

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