Hey guys. I need advice on my band’s music among other things.?
Question by nokiav60t: Hey guys. I need advice on my band’s music among other things.?
We’re all really young (18, 18, 14, 15) and we need any tips to help develop our songs. Here’s our website.
I could really use some advice on how to get into the music industry and get in contact with a record company.
Best answer:
Answer by john b
Er, you guys aren’t going to a get a recording contract. That happens to manufactured teeny-boppers on the Disney Channel, not schoolkids playing MOR!
I’m afraid that your songs are a little clichéd, but no worse than many bands ten years older than yourselves, so there’s plenty of hope.
You can plainly play and sing, but I think you need a bit more life experience. Stay in school, pay attention in Art, English, History, Science and Math, and realise that the power of dialogue, debate and problem-solving in writing great songs.
The best advice I have (and I’ve never been in more than garage bands) is just enjoy the music for what it is, play lots of gigs and don’t worry too much about when you’re going to make money or get famous, because chances are that, no matter your talents, you won’t make it.
The most successful acts all got there through 3 things:
1) shameless, constant self-promotion and touring
2) networking and making friends in local scenes
3) dumb luck
Also, if you’re really going to make it, you might as well reconcile yourself to poverty now. You’re going to have to move to the biggest city you can and live there cheaply, working crappy jobs and just playing the whole rest of the time. It is going to suck harder than you can know.
As to the business side of things: don’t worry about it. By the time you’re a working musician, the record industry as we know it will have totally changed. Get to know engineers, roadies, musicians; these are the people you can really learn from.
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