He makes beats…How can he become a paid music producer?
Question by Honey!: He makes beats…How can he become a paid music producer?
How can I help my fiance get discovered. he makes beats and in my opinion are good beats. How can he make it in the music biz? He’s been making beats for 5 years. I have a fear that if he passes out CD’s with some samples someone will jack them and take the credit. What are some steps to make for becoming a music producer?
Best answer:
Answer by siwedlarm
The best method is to send out demos in my opinion. Some methods I used to prevent theft issues were audio watermarking and/or voiceovers. However, since these are simply beats you are dealing with, you may have to be more careful (I write entire tracks so I suppose it’s a bit easier to control). I always have a few tracks in the public domain (ex. posted on myspace, offered online for free for everyone to hear). These are also the tracks I send out as demos to demonstrate my abilities. Meanwhile, the rest of my productions are stashed away for various purposes (signing to labels, commericials, etc). Your fiance might consider setting aside a few of his productions for promotional purposes to jumpstart his career. These should be widely distributed, online or elsewhere, so that you are established as the author of these productions (thus discouraging theft).
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