Have you ever heard of your slave name?
Question by Amo: Have you ever heard of your slave name?
Interestingly enough, I just learned a special term in this past week. The term is “Capitis Diminutio Maxima”, and is used frequently in anything involving money or government. Capitis Diminutio Maxima can be easily identified on your banking cards, deeds, personal records, business contracts, and other things.
Your name will be in full capitals. For example, your name will be changed from John Doe to JOHN DOE, or from Doe, John to DOE, JOHN. What this simple act of capitalizing your name does is relieve you of all your “rights” and basically gives you the right as a slave. When you wave anything around with that name, you’re basically waving around an artificial person.
Look it up… there are plenty of conspiracy sites out there which offer the same information, but check this one I’ve provided. It explains it the way the “black book” would explain it.
Best answer:
Answer by dumdum
Wow. Being that the bank/credit card companies have gotten our corrupt Congress to change our bankruptcy laws, I don’t doubt it. Financial enslavement! Might as well bring back debtor’s prisons! (Oops, that was stupid to say.)
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!