Has there ever been an artist who deserved a $120 million recording contract?
Question by Sookie: Has there ever been an artist who deserved a 0 million recording contract?
I guess Madonna has, to some. $ 120 million could buy a lot of Kabbalah bracelets, that’s for sure.
Has there ever been a musician who has truly earned that kind of money? And for the group that signed this deal, do you think they will get a good return on their investment?
Master C – I always giggle when I see that name pop up.
jmike – LOL! Awesome… 🙂
lovnrckets – the first thing I thought of when I saw that was a pro sports contract. I really can’t wrap my head around how much money that is – it makes my head swim.
Prof – I had no idea! Randy Savage: athlete, musician, thespian. He’s so complex!
Best answer:
Answer by Master C
As far as return on investment goes…Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, Metallica and Rolling Stones would make it back.
But yeah, that seems a little much to me. I mean, she’s no Richard Cheese!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!