Has anyone got the lyrics to The Secret Tagredos song Shiver My Heartly Desires?
Question by Marie: Has anyone got the lyrics to The Secret Tagredos song Shiver My Heartly Desires?
I just got the CD from a contact in the music industry (I know – how lucky am I! Not many people get their hands on it!) for the single Shiver My Heartly Desires and I really want to perform it at my school talent show! Does anyone know the lyrics? I need them as accurate as possible!
Best answer:
Answer by Tangibletanjil
it’s something like:
shiver my heartly desires
the weather’s turning cold
it’s death’s demise, somehow
my heart is turning cold
and colder
take it, don’t let it freeze over
summery freshness grow crisper in my mind
memory grow stronger
here the season’s flow is anti-clockwise
I’m opposed to such change
causing disorientation
—I’m not sure of the rest, I’ve only got this rare demo of it
you’re lucky to have the cd!
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