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General record industry question?
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General record industry question?

Question by Yvonne: General record industry question?
Okay, so, I am a senior in high school who has always had a love for music. I wont go into detail, but I’ve always found anything to do with music to be my forte in life. As cliche and common as it sounds, I just want a career in music.

I hate to admit this, but I know I am not a performer. I adore singing and playing many many instruments, but I know I don’t have exactly what it takes to be a headlining artist. Instead, I’d LOVE to be a part of the behind-the-scenes crew. I know there is sound management, fashion management, make-up/hair artists, the artist’s manager, set up crew, etc, but could someone please go into detail of all the specific jobs that go along with an artist on tour? Which ones are more money making? For something like being an artist’s manager, what should I major/minor in? What should I major/minor in for any of these jobs? Is there any jobs in the industry that work closely with the artist inside the studio AND on tour? I want a good paying job, that works closely with an artist behind the scene, basically. Thank you so much!

Best answer:

Answer by Dave LaBuda
There are a very large number of videos on YouTube that talk about all the different kinds of jobs and training for those jobs that are related to the music business. You would really benefit from watching as many of them as you can to really get a complete understanding of how the music business works and what skills are in demand what what you need to be able to bring to a career in the music business. Here are just a few of them …


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