Fundies: On which issues do you find yourself in most agreement with the Catholic Church?
Question by Tolstoyevsky: Fundies: On which issues do you find yourself in most agreement with the Catholic Church?
I was gonna post a question to the Catholics on the issue of medicine because I assumed their position would be the same as that of conservative protestants. And that led to this question.
Responses might include (but not be limited to): Abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, the male as head of household, church music should not sound like a Grateful Dead concert, etc.
In which areas are we most in agreement?
In case you’re curious:
Gyrene: I am a fundy and am quite proud of the title. Note also that the Bible says those looking for offense invariably find it, and that it’s a spiritual disease. From that standpoint, I am thrilled we are different.
LH: I’m stealing that Sheen quote. It’s mine now. Kindly forward details on appropriate penance.
Best answer:
Answer by あなたとは違うんです
Jesus, God, Abortion, Gay Non-Rights — I would presume.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!