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for all iphone users, do you put your music on your phone? or use a separate mp3 player?

Question by al: for all iphone users, do you put your music on your phone? or use a separate mp3 player?
i already have an ipod nano where i put my music, but debating whether to get the iphone 4 16 gb and keep my nano or the 32gb and put my music there and sell my nano. i know its more convenient having everything at one place, but im just worried about battery life. i want to hear some opinions!

Best answer:

Answer by Sweet Sixteen
Well, I just got the iPhone 3GS and I love it. It’s SO much more convenient having all my music and stuff on it than having two different devices (phone and iPod)! The battery life isn’t bad. It’s only if you are using it non stop where it can run down. I would get the iPhone 4 and sell your iPod nano to help pay for your new phone. It’s such an amazing device. It’s a phone and MP3 Player in 1. I don’t think I will ever go back to having any other phone 😉 It’s awesome

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