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Fallout 3 Heckler & Koch XM8 Weapon Mod

Fallout 3 Heckler & Koch XM8 Weapon Mod.I’ve always wanted this weapon to be in Fallout 3 world, it’s kinda rare in other action games also, because in real life this weapon was a prototype.If is not good for the army of US, atleast it looks very nice, futuristic i’ll say.The weapon was uploaded on the Nexus by the same weapon master HeroinZero.Get it here: ****************************** All the informations below are from Wikipedia (c).Copyrights to Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. The XM8 is a developmental US military designation and project name for a lightweight assault rifle system that was under development by the United States Army from the late 1990s to early 2000s. The Army worked with the small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch (H&K) to develop the system to its requirements in the aftermath of the OICW contract, for which H&K had been a subcontractor to ATK. Although there were high hopes that the XM8 would become the Army’s new standard infantry rifle, the project was put on hold in April 2005, and was formally cancelled on October 31, 2005.The US Military’s XM8 program was cancelled in the Fall of 2005 after being suspended earlier that year. Had this program not been cancelled, the XM8 system may have faced competition from weapons such as from the FN SCAR and H&K 416. Independent work by H&K on the XM8 has continued. It was altered and entered as a candidate for the SCAR competition but was unsuccessful.In the Fall of 2007 the XM8 was
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