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Faking an illness, to get a doctors note?

Question by GreenPeace: Faking an illness, to get a doctors note?
I work in a supermarket and twice every year we do a stocktake. All the staff are rostered for a stocktake and all are expected to show and if not your contract states that you can be fired!

So i’ve booked tickets to go the oxegen music festival and I found out that there is a stocktake on during that festival! Unless I get a doctors note, I can’t safely call in sick!! is there any illness or ailment that I could easily fake (and get away with!) so’s to get a doctor’s note?..

Thank you 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Lisa
Not really, unless you’re going to fake something so awful as to get you hospitalized.

Suck it up and go to work.

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