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Dr. Horrible Live (Part 2)
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Dr. Horrible Live (Part 2)

So my little high school did a live stage adaptation of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog! Our film person recorded it and so I am putting it on youtube. I am the assistant director and I play Dr. Horrible in this, and yes, I know, my voice sounds TERRIBLE. But I thought I’d upload it here onto youtube, so I hope you enjoy it. Part 2! Naru – Dr. Horrible/Billy, Assistant Director **We signed a contract and payed for the rights to perform this and use the music for our production. The script and music belong to Joss Whedon**

More info @ www.myspace.com ——————————– Were glad to recognize that probably the most innovative music style of the moment DUBSTEP has successfully spread its web in Estonia within last few years. Many well-known DJs and producers have visited our club events. Music made by local producers has been played in sets and radio-shows by well-known DJs. In addition several contracts have been made for international releases. In the beginning of summer 2008 an idea grew from that surface to make an Estonian dubstep compilation to promote local producers and their production to the wider audience. Our purpose was to bring out tracks from the depths of harddiscs and www and get them the attention they deserve. We hope that this compilation helps producers on building their careers and extracool future projects! ——————————– Hea meel on tõdeda, et maailma ühe uuenduslikuma muusikastiili DUBSTEP’i niidid on Eestis viimastel aastatel hästi juurdunud. Erinevate klubiürituste raames on meid külastanud märkimisväärne hulk maailmas hästi teada-tuntud DJsid ja produtsente. Kohalike parimate produtsentide toodangu on edukalt vastu võtnud muu maailma DJd, mängides Eestis toodetud lugusid oma settides ja raadiosaadetes. Kuuldavasti on sõlmitud ka üksjagu koostöölepinguid peagi rahvusvahelisel plaaditurul ilmuvateks väljaanneteks. Sellel pinnal sündis 2008. aasta suve alguses mõte panna kokku plaat, mis tutvustaks Eesti dubstep produtsente ja nende
Video Rating: 4 / 5