Does anyone else think today’s music industry has gone to $hit?
Question by jvnane: Does anyone else think today’s music industry has gone to $hit?
Back in the day most musicians had actual talent. Today it seems like almost anyone, with the right producer, can get a platinum album. Green day’s newest album is supposed to sell more copies than Dark Side of the Moon, which makes me want to cry. Can anyone listen to both albums and truly say that Green Day deserves to sell as many copies of their uninspired, unoriginal, uninteresting albums as pink floyd? On top of this, the music industry has destroyed a very important part of music, and that is dynamics. Everyone is trying to putg out an album that is louder than the last.
@ Geek101
Who hates music? Seriously… i have never met anyone who didn’t like any kind of music… I feel sorry for you.
@ Emilee
Can you elaborate as to why I am a Jerk. Just because I have enough musical sense to see that an album like dookie doesn’t even compare with the creativity and originality of something like dark side of the moon? Seriously… just sit down and listen to the two… Something like dookie which contains repetitive one/two note bass lines, extremely simple uninspiring rhythym patterns that can be found in any beginners guide to music theory/guitar, and an overall lack of creativity does not even compare to the genious of Dark Side… Dookie could have been written and recorded in about a week while something like Dark Side takes time and talent to create.
@ peppermint_patty
Very good point, never really thought if it like that. I guess having too many options kind of ruins things. There is so much music out there, that people never really get a chance to find “good” music. Tell me that’s an ignorant statement, but I am a good example of someone who used to listen to “bad” music and I used to like it. The changing moment in my life was my middle school history teacher showing us a video of Hendrix at Woodstock. This single moment changed my life in an amazing way… More people need to be converted! haha
Best answer:
Answer by ♫ Sleep Is For The Weak ♫
i do.
i hate green day
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