Do you hate all the Black people in the music industry?
Question by Sierra C: Do you hate all the Black people in the music industry?
I’m starting to because I feel like they are bringing down our race. Yes, all races have a music industry, but some/most of Black little girls and boys are growing up wanting to be singers and rappers. I want them to aspire to have more substance than that. This is why I have my love/hate relationship with people like Beyonce. My little sister is all on Beyonce and she thinks that she can sing well enough to get into Julliard. I gave her a reasonable response and now she’s angry and crying. I don’t even care anymore, but I feel like they are bringing us down. I just never understood the mind of someone who wants to sing for a living. Yes, if you do get a contract you’ll have lots of money, but that is rare.
My little sister is being quite stupid and I can’t help but wonder how many other little Black girls are out there with this same mentality when the only “beautiful black” role models they see are people like Beyonce and what she does.
I don’t use the PC term of African American, but that’s just me.
Best answer:
Answer by Avondrow
No, not all. But I think you have a valid point.
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