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Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?

Question by : Do u think putting my own instrumentals on youtube could help in becoming a professional music producer?
do u think i have a strong chance of my videos becoming popular overtime or actually have some artists sing/rap 2 them? i think this’ll be cool but i also dont just wanna b wasting my time.

in other words: WOULD U WATCH THEM?

Best answer:

Answer by playa dude
yes that is how the new singer for “Journey” was found. Neal Schon, lead guitarist, was looking at videos on youtube and heard Arnel Pineda singing with his band The Zoo from the Philippines.And today he is now signing with one of the greatest rock bands.

So yes put it on put as many as you have. Someone out may see and this time next year I can say I gave him the answer!!!

Good Luck

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