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Do people know the difference between facism and terrorism?

Question by Sean: Do people know the difference between facism and terrorism?
I’m sorry, ok, neo conservatives and members of the Christian Religious Right, stop calling it Islamo facism, facism is the merging of the state and corporate interest, example is America and Haliburton, and Democrats are to blame too under Clinton Haliburton got all these no bid contracts, mm k.

We are facing Islamo terrorism, mm k. Say it neo conservatives and religious right and creationists, is-lam-o terr-or-ism.

Very good. Now stop sounding like a broken record without a high school education saying islamo-facism please?


Best answer:

Answer by Pagan Rebirth
Haha, I agree. It’s “Islamic totalitarianism” or “Islamic Dominionism”–whichever you prefer. Fascism is more complex than a mere dictatorship.

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