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Designing a Mobile Sales App – Create a Sales Order App

Canvas can be found at Most businesses need to sell things to make money, and sales typically require some record of a contract to make them work. Well use Canvas to publish a simple sales order app for our business. There are several sales order apps already in the Canvas Library, but were going to create our own from scratch by clicking the Create New Form button on the My Forms page. Well need a title and a brief description for our app. Well call our app Sales Order. The app also needs a description that tells people about the screens in the app and the data that is collected. Heres our description. This is a simple sales order form. You start by filling in your customers billing and shipping information. Then you create a list of order items, with each line item amount calculated as price * quantity. When you complete the list, a summary screen calculates the subtotal, tax and total amount due. You can select the payment method and terms, then capture a signature from the customer to acknowledge acceptance of the order. When you submit this form, you can export the data to a warehouse for fulfillment or to an accounting system for revenue booking. You can also use Canvas charts and graphs to track your sales performance. When you have finished writing your description, click the Save and launch Designer button to start adding screens to your Sales Order app. The Mobile App Designer will open. Youll see a confirmation message Form was successfully
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