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Datapak Services Establishes Partnership with Canadian Fulfillment Company

New York Times Square at Night
music agreement
Image by Werner Kunz
New York is really one of the most exciting cities in the world. Especially in the night. All the lights and scences. The shutter just clicks automatically all the time.

You need to watch it in big and on black…

For the story & technique behind this shot, please visit my blog:…

!!! creative commons: Feel free to use photos with credits and links. For commercial use, please contact me on my website and we will find an agreement for the permission!!!

Datapak Services Establishes Partnership with Canadian Fulfillment Company
Datapak forms partnership with Northland Fulfillment to expand the services available to clients in North America. (PRWeb April 06, 2011) Read the full story at
Read more on PRWeb

Financial Times and Apple negotiating App Store subscription terms
The Financial Times doesn’t want to forfiet subscriber relationships to Apple in order to sell subscriptions through Apple’s App Store subscription service. “We don’t want to lose our direct relationship with our subscribers,” said Rob Grimshaw, the managing director of the FT, in an interview with Reuters on Monday. “It’s at the core of our business model.” The FT, an international business …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

Mayor Sam Adams offers Old Town leaders, residents proposals to curb drug activity
Adams announced plans to implement a revised Drug and Prostitution Free Exclusion Zone to help curb drug activity in Portland neighborhoods, including Old Town.
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