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Copyright for album artwork?

Question by Cami F: Copyright for album artwork?
I have images in mind I would like to use for a music album I will self-producing. Pending that these parties who the pictures (drawings) belong to (one is an artist and the other picture belongs to a museum) agree to let me use them, do I need to have them sign a copyright release form? I am a little confused here. OR do they have ME sign a release form since they own the picture? I want to make sure im in the clear here and don’t get into any trouble down the road. This will be an album that is sent out as a demo. As is, I won’t be making any money on this so I won’t be able to pay them anything and that needs to be in the contract, right? So, if I do need to have them sign one, where can I get a pre-made template that will cover my a**. Thanks A lot! 10pts!

Best answer:

Answer by Sacred Beetle
You def need THEM to sign a release saying that they give you permission to use their work for your particular job…

I’m not sure where you can find a template release form. Perhaps you could contact a University near you that has a legal department and ask a teacher or student to help you out? Perhaps the museum has one that they already use if this happens often enough for them.

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