Business law home work please and thankyou?
Question by Kait: Business law home work please and thankyou?
Analyze the relationship entered into when a student enrolls in college or university. Has a contract been formed? If so, is it a bilateral contract or a unilateral contract? Discuss.
Best answer:
Answer by Thomas
You can make a good argument that when a student enrolls at a university, the university’s policies found in a catalogue are the terms of the contract. You can make a good argument that your application to the university is the offer, and if accepted, the university’s acceptance obviously serves as the acceptance. Consideration is in the form of your payment to the school in return for the instruction you receive.
The contract would be bilateral. You promise to pay for the classes and the university promises to instruct you on the subject matter.
If you live on campus, you will also be entering into an additional contract, and the terms of that contract will determine if it is unilateral or bilateral. Most likely, it will also be a bilateral contract, with the student promising to pay the rent for the housing and the university promising to provide the housing.
Best of luck!
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