Bought music and need to write a contract to transfer rights to music?
Question by jesusgirl: Bought music and need to write a contract to transfer rights to music?
I am working on a cd and I wrote the lyrics, but I am paying someone to create the music. I need an example of a contract to present to the musician so that I can get copyrights of the music that I will have on my cd. I am running into a problem when trying to get copyright to my lyrics, because the music has to be accounted for. I have paid for the music, but I don’t have a contract, I would like to present a contract for the individual to sign, but I don’t know where or how to draw up a contract that would cover this. Please no crazy responses, this is serious. Thanks in advance for those that help!
Best answer:
Answer by trueblue3167
You can post your project and attorneys will bid on it. I’ve used this site for my business and it’s great.
Hope that helps.
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