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Bobak Jons Malone – Mona Lose (1969) Psych Progressive Music. (Morgan Blue Town)

Bobak, Jons, Malone – Mona Lose from “Motherlight” 1969 Morgan Studios (Morgan Blue Town) These guys knew Morgan Studios like the back of there reflection in a glass of Barley Wine. This is an ecstatic piece of music from ‘Morgan Blue Town’ label from the late sixties and now up on re-issue. Synopsis from a most very brilliant blog Entrepreneur Monty Babson had decided to expand his interests beyond his existing Morgan Studios (sometime home to the Rolling Stones amongst lesser sixties stars) and into the area of serious, “progressive” artists on a new outlet called “Morgan Blue Town”. Sensing that the musical talent probably lay right under his nose with the numerous session boys who beavered away in the studio at all hours, he asked three of them, Wil Malone, Andy Johns (younger brother of Stones producer Glyn Johns, whose name was bizarrely changed to Jons for the sleeve credit) and engineer Mike Bobak to come up with something suitably forward-thinking for the album market. Babson’s deal was not the stuff many would be envious of – he asked them to work late at night during studio dead time, and made them sign an agreement which stated that they lost the rights to their work as soon as they created them. Mike Bobak has since gone on record as saying that he didn’t mind this arrangement as “it was never going to sell a million”, and perhaps the ad-hoc band also used the duff contract as an excuse to indulge artistic tendencies which might otherwise have been reigned in
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