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Bloggings on IT Immigration

Bloggings on IT Immigration
Immigration law news on visas, greencard and citizenship. Find how to get US visas, green cards and citizenship. Immigration CLE Seminars for Lawyers. Immigration Law Books for Attorneys.
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Project Censored
The Top 10 big stories largely ignored by the major news media by Rebecca Bowe The world was a different place in 1976 when Carl Jensen, a professor of communications at Sonoma State University, founded Project Censored to highlight important national news stories that were underreported or outright ignored by the mainstream press. Back then, there were few good alternatives to the television …
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The Top 10
While this story appeared on the front pages of The New York Times and Washington Post , Project Censored claims they omitted some key facts. The Nation broke the story, and at the time Project Censored was researching it, there was nary a mention in the mainstream media of how American tax dollars wind up in the hands of the Taliban.
Read more on Syracuse New Times