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AZ Opera Orchestra Musicians Association: Now is the Time AZOOMA – the Arizona Opera Orchestra Musicians Association – is an organization of highly trained professionals with the Arizona Opera. AZOOMA is working hard with Opera management to gain long-term commitments and satisfactory employment terms. We are also exploring creative ways to support the Opera. Our previous contract expired in June 2007. Our Negotiating Committee has been active — since March 2007 — attempting to reach an new agreement with Arizona Opera management. This is our 5th video is a series and it gets closer to the heart of our negotiation issues. Musician photography © 2007, 2008 by Claudia Botterweg Video production by Bruce Hembd – All rights reserved 2008 Licensed Music: Richard Wagner – Siegfried’s Funeral Music from Götterdämmerung Giuseppe Verdi: Hebrew Slaves Chorus from Nabucco
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The latest video showing off ‘gratuitous space battles’ the upcoming indie game by Positech games. (effectively just 1 guy doing code + design, and some contract artists and musician). This video shows a ship being designed, then arranged with others in a fleet, the fleet being deployed and ten a selection of different battles. GSB is not a traditional interactive RTS. The game plays like Tower-Defence. You design and select the ships, give them orders and formations, then hope for the best during battles against ai-owned or other player-designed ships.
Video Rating: 4 / 5