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Autograph Store Charity Fundraising to Give Away Oscar-themed Fundraising Items During Weeklong Facebook Event

Autograph Store Charity Fundraising to Give Away Oscar-themed Fundraising Items During Weeklong Facebook Event
New York – Oscar fever has spread to the world of non-profit fundraising. Autograph Store Charity Fundraising announced today it plans to give away five rare pieces of Oscar-winner-autographed memorabilia to a few trivia-savvy Facebook fans next week.

June Divided revives rock
Upon entering Kung Fu Necktie for the band June Divided’s EP release party, I was curious to hear what these Drexel music industry graduates had to offer. Although today’s “young person” music scene seems to be dominated by hip-hop on one end and indie, electro/pop on the other, June Divided revives 90s pop/alternative rock nostalgia with a refreshing attitude and personality.
Read more on The Triangle

Detroit Symphony cancels season amid strike
The Detroit Symphony Orchestra on Saturday cancelled the rest of its season after musicians voted to reject management’s latest contract offer, dashing hopes for an end to the contentious walkout that has left the already financially struggling orchestra in worsening economic shape.
Read more on AP via Yahoo! News